V2V Project
This V2V Project was done as part of the DIT168 Project: Industrial IT and Embedded Systems course at the University of Gothenburg & Chalmers Institute of Technology. As part of the project, my group developed an implementation of a Vehicle to Vehicle protocol allowing our car to communicate with other miniature vehicles. Watch a short video of it in action here.
I used a PS4 DualShock 4 Controller to control the car and mapped specific actions related to the protocol (broadcasting its status or initiating a following sequence). The controller was paired using Bluetooth and messages were sent via a UDP Session.
Additionally, I also enabled and calibrated an IMU Chip to determine the location of the car using three axes. The miniature vehicle also had two ultrasonic sensors, one on the front and on the back.
##Final Demo
During our final demo, the vehicle was able to receive and send messages to other vehicles in its UDP Session, as well as follow another vehicle around a room.